call me crazy but I have been trying to figure out this balance of
the modern world and a family centered on reading and learning
as described in the TJEd philosophy. I have been pondering the
writings and ideas of Kari Tibbets and all though I do not agree with many of
the ways she implements things in her home I see the wisdom behind
it. Also, with our coming holiday season coming and needing to have a VERY
simple Christmas I have decided to read the boys Laura
Ingle Wilder's book Little house in the Big Woods. Now I have
listened to this in audio book form and remember the simplicity they had and
the hard work it talks about. And the bonus for me right now was the simple and
slim Christmas. So this is what I have had planned.
A Modern Wilder Winter!
What else will equal our Modern Wilder Winter? Movies will only be once or twice a month and I will only be checking facebook in the evenings and for only 15 min. I plan on working every morning with the kids and baking with them every morning. Have you heard about the good of bored? I am hoping to work this idea to my advantage. We have three tall bookcases of books plus more books in the kids bedroom. I hope to simplify so much that they are picking up books even more than they are now. LOTS OF READING! I plan on spending more time in the evenings with my boys and doing as much with them as possible. This is going to be a challenge for me. When dinner time comes I want to send the kids out of the kitchen but I will be inviting them to help me. I also cannot wait to see them on Christmas morning when they get their homemade gifts. With as few toys that they will have i think this will be one of the best Christmas's ever.
So how long are we
going to do this? 4 Months of simplified living. Who knows. Maybe we will keep
doing it but for right now we are going to see how this little experiment goes.
It won’t hurt my kids and if anything we will be better off because of it.